Lemons of Life

We all know the saying: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!”

This is supposed to evoke an optimistic sense that nothing in life is totally unpalatable. And I agree that we should strive to see the good even in bad situations. But what if this season’s batch of lemons is just too hard to swallow?

The mere mention of lemons makes your mouth pucker and eyes water.

There can’t possibly be enough sugar to take away the bite.

Nor water fresh enough to dilute the bitterness.

We like to toss around the phrase cause we think it elicits an image of kicking back with an ice cold glass of a freshly squeezed, perfectly sweetened beverage on a hot summer’s day. Is lemonade truly as refreshing if you have to make it yourself?

Though what if you don’t put in the work to transform those lemons?

Well, they will rot and mold and waste. And if you wait to consume the juice until after they’ve expired…(I’ll let you Google that one).

So perhaps it is better to roll up your sleeves, scoop out some sugar, and start stirring! After all, those lemons aren’t going to transform themselves.